NxES Africa Cooperative 

Cooperative Consulting Network in modern Waste Management

Goal and purpose:
Able to handle complex infrastructural projects such as Municipal waste/water treatment challenges and local energy challenges.
By working together with different system models, business models, control documents, be able to lead decision makers to faster decisions and implementation of the chosen solution.
All parties are partners in the business

“The structure allows us to know that if you need a hand with something, then you have someone else help you out. The group of us together can do more than any of us individually. We can turn to one another for guidance and support as we tackle problems. If I’m not on the current project, but can offer my expertise, there is nothing limiting me from doing that. I think that adds value to the clients.”


"This is how we think in modern waste management and the circular principles, and we are looking for companies and organizations that think like us and want to become members of the Cooperative or collaborate in other ways."

The new challenges in modern waste management!

NxES Africa COOP business model
MSWM,  Municipality Solid Waste management


Supported by companies like

Ironman Consulting



Trashy Bags